Belgrave St Ives - Modern & Contemporary Art

TERRY FROST - Eleven Poems by Frederico García Lorca

Click on pictures for large image and details

Terry Frost-Frontispiece

Frontispiece, 1989

Lithograph SOLD

Terry Frost-Llanto por Ignacio Sánchez Mejías (Lament for Ignacio Sánchez Mejías)

Llanto por Ignacio Sánchez Mejías (Lament for Ignacio Sánchez Mejías), 1989

Etching and aquatint SOLD

Terry Frost-Canción de Jinete (The Rider’s Song)

Canción de Jinete (The Rider’s Song), 1989

Etching & aquatint with hand colouring SOLD

Terry Frost-Es Verdad (It Is True)

Es Verdad (It Is True), 1989

Etching & aquatint with hand colouring SOLD

Terry Frost-La Soltera en Misa (The Spinster at Mass)

La Soltera en Misa (The Spinster at Mass), 1989

Etching & aquatint with hand colouring SOLD

Terry Frost-La Luna Asoma (The Moon Rising)

La Luna Asoma (The Moon Rising), 1989

Etching and aquatint SOLD

Terry Frost-Variacón (Variations)

Variacón (Variations), 1989

Etching and aquatint SOLD

Terry Frost-Claro de Reloj (Pause of the Clock)

Claro de Reloj (Pause of the Clock), 1989

Etching and aquatint SOLD

Terry Frost-Thamar y Amnon (Thamar and Amnon)

Thamar y Amnon (Thamar and Amnon), 1989

Etching & aquatint with hand colouring SOLD

Terry Frost-San Rafael (Córdoba)

San Rafael (Córdoba), 1989

Etching & aquatint with hand colouring SOLD

Terry Frost-Arbole, Arbole (Tree, Tree)

Arbole, Arbole (Tree, Tree), 1989

Etching & aquatint with hand colouring SOLD

Terry Frost-El Lagarto Viejo (The Old Lizard)

El Lagarto Viejo (The Old Lizard), 1989

Etching and aquatint SOLD