Belgrave St Ives - Modern & Contemporary Art

Jack Watson

Jack Watson (b.1995)

Self taught

2017 Mentored by artist Alice Mumford from this date
2017 Performance-based work with artist Andrew Lanyon

Selected Group Exhibitions

Artscape New Contemporary Painters, Belgrave St Ives, Cornwall
Mixed Exhibition, Tyler Gallery, Cornwall
Mixed Exhibition, Solomon Browne Hall, Cornwall
Mixed Summer Exhibition, Tyler Gallery, Cornwall
Mixed Winter Exhibition, Tyler Gallery, Cornwall
Mixed Summer Exhibition, Tyler Gallery, Cornwall

Artist Statement

Oil painting is elemental in its nature. This allows for it to be conducive to
engaging with all scenarios and situations extracted from life. The idea of
transferring energy from a subject into a subconscious gesture leads to a
correlation between inner and outer landscapes in my work.

I like my work to feel tangible, using the paint to create multi-surfaces in
which to let the work breathe and invoke conversations within the picture.
The narrative's identity is somehow born from a sense of urgency, but an
urgency that is not forced or rushed but lends itself to a form of disciplined
haste that informs the composition. I often listen to jazz or punk music whilst
working, since both genres are deceptive and take you along tangents that
you perhaps wouldn't visit with just a blank canvas and a sketch to work from.